Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oliver Twist Video "Please sir, I want some more."

Oliver Twist was living in an unfortunate time when child labor was common, the workers were paid minimally and in this workhouse, fed hardly anything. In this part of the video, Oliver draws the short string; he is the one that will have to ask for more food but he doesn't have any idea what will happen to him or the rest of the child laborers. They all know that the adults must have more food, but they are being selfish. When he askes for more food, and hears the punishment is death by hanging, he runs away.  I am glad to live in Canada, where I don't have to work for my food and I can get to sleep at night knowing I am safe. I would not like to live in that time period. His life is harsh for a childs' because he is being forced to grow up too soon without an education. Education helps people to form thier own opinions on the world. Living in Canada is a fairytail-life compared to Olivers life then, and even to most parts of the world today.